What's In A Name?

Many people ask me why I named this company “The Customer Initiative” so today we’re going to dig into the meaning behind our name!

When starting a company, there are a lot of things to consider regarding the name. You want to be thoughtful, as this will be something you live with for a long time. Of course, things like domain availability and legal name registration availability play a big part in this decision, but you may also want to choose a name that represents your offering (Nike), exudes the vibe you want to convey (Sea Glass Med Spa), or something catchy and memorable (Moo.com).


One thing is for sure, I didn’t choose The Customer Initiative because it’s easy to type or spell – the number of times I’ve mistyped “initiative” is staggering - including on my launch posts, so thank you to Chris who DM’ed me to let me know.

I started out with company names that were sentimental to me but didn’t have anything to do with my business focus: Pearl Consulting, MBP Ltd., PowerHouse or any of the millions of “Power” permutations I could think of. I also went through SO MANY variations on Customer Success related names: CSMaven (which turned out to be my Twitter handle), CustomerSuccessMastermind (I did keep this domain for education), Successable (total non-starter), and dozens of others that have long since escaped my memory.


Nothing felt right for where I was at that time. Too vague, too cutesy, too pigeon-holed, just too…something.

I could feel I was getting close, having ‘success’ in there somewhere was both empowering and on target for my audience, but as Customer Success is still a growing industry perhaps ‘customer’ would be a better key word to focus on.


After a few rounds of brainstorming with some friends, I threw out “The Customer Initiative” and did a little digging.


Turns out it was perfect.



The power or opportunity to act or take charge before others do.

The definition spoke to me on so many levels.

  1. I had finally taken the leap into entrepreneurship after 20+ years in corporate roles. It was my time to seize of my life and take charge of my own destiny.

  2. The idea of Customer Success as a proactive practice is fundamental to my definition of CS. It’s no longer about waiting around for customers to have problems or to reach out, it’s time to assume a leadership role with their success with your products!

  3. It has the word “power” right there – very on-brand for me. 🙂


And so, despite how many times I will typo my own email address, The Customer Initiative was born.

It’s time to take charge of your customer’s success, and we’re here to give you that power (pun intended!).

Let’s get started.

Beth Power

Website development.

Marketing consulting.



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